Office buildings along the Chicago river

Planon Energy & Sustainability Management

Planon Energy & Sustainability Management är ett verktyg som hjälper dig att samla in, analysera, visualisera och agera på fastighetsdata, så att beslutsfattare kan fatta rätt beslut för att optimera byggnadens hållbarhet.

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Modern office building in green surroundings.

Planon Real Estate Management for SAP S/4HANA®

Integrera förstklassig Real Estate Management med SAP® Cloud ERP för operativa och strategiska fördelar.

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Planon campus with office buildings, greenhouse and garden.

Planons företagsbroschyr

Planon är en ledande global programvaruleverantör som hjälper organisationer att effektivisera affärsprocesser för fastigheter, anställda och arbetsplatser.

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Man clicking on his mobile.

Planon Facility Services Business Solution

Planon Facility Services Business Solution accelerates your business with targeted software that makes service offering, planning, execution, monitoring and billing more efficient, scalable and transparent with extensive process automation and seamless integration.

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Open workspace with large windows.

Planon Integrated Workplace Management Solution

Planon Integrated Workplace Management Solution is a proven IWMS combined with professional services to support large organizations optimise RE and FM.

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A tablet with data graphics on a desk

Planon Lease Accounting Solution

Since January 2019, organisations must comply with new lease accounting regulations from FASB and IASB. Get compliant now with Planon Lease Accounting Solution.

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Planon Boston Office low rise with red brick and blue sky

Planon Real Estate Management

Planon offers a complete, integrated solution that provides your organisation with a clear overview of its real estate portfolio to ensure your real estate strategy is in line with your corporate objectives anytime, anywhere. With Planon, companies can quickly evaluate total cost of ownership and maintain a holistic view of their entire portfolio.

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Maintenance man looking at warehouse.

Planon Asset & Maintenance Management

Planons lösning för tillgångs- och underhållshantering gör det möjligt att proaktivt skapa underhållsplaner och hantera tillgångar under hela livscykeln.

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Office space utilization and efficiency

Planon Space & Workplace Services Management

Genom att ge insyn i distributionen och beläggningsgraden av arbetsplatser och utrymmen kan Planons lösning Space & Workplace Services Management hjälpa din organisation att minska kostnaderna genom att se till att arbetsplatser utnyttjas optimalt, samt anpassa användningen efter avdelningarnas behov.

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Young smiling businesswoman in brown blouse scrolling in mobile phone.

Planon Workplace App

Planon Workplace App är ett personanpassat bokningsgränssnitt för rum och arbetsutrymmen som ansluter arbetsplatsanvändare till utrymmen, medarbetare och tjänster.

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People using IoT in a Smart Building.

Upptäck fördelarna med Planon IoT

IoT är en del av framtidens Facility Management och fastighetsdrift.

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Colorful open meeting place with large glass windows.

Planon Workplace Insights

Planon Workplace Insights ansluter till smarta arbetsplatssensorer som tillhandahåller användningsbara insikter via intuitiva kontrollpaneler.

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Office buildings managed with integrated sustainability solution.

Planon Connect for Building Advisor

Planon Connect for Building Advisor kopplar sömlöst ihop Planon Universe med Building Advisor-plattformen från Schneider Electric, och stöder automatiserat beslutsfattande och omedelbara åtgärder som bygger på smarta byggnaders intelligens.

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Group of people sitting around a desk and talking about data.

Planon Connect for Analytics

View this brochure on Planon Connect for Analytics to learn more about how Planon connects with BI and analytics tools for making informed decisions and predicting the future.

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Business people walking outside the office

Planon Lifecycle Services

Planon offers a series of services that unburden organisations during the full solution lifecycle. With these services, Planon brings the required experience, knowledge and continuity to aim for the optimum in utilising your Planon solution.

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