Dartmouth College, the American Ivy League University, first purchased Planon’s Campus Management Solution (CMS) in 2017 to replace numerous point solutions in its Real Estate, Space Management, and Facilities Management operations. The College took a phased approach implementing Planon’s Real Estate Management, Space and Workplace Services Management, and Asset and Maintenance Management domains.

By 2023, these three major phases of implementation had been successfully completed, and the new centralized Planon solution now holds information for all of Dartmouth’s properties. Now Dartmouth can focus its attention on the next phase of implementation: Business Intelligence.

In this case study, discover how Dartmouth College has been able to take its use of Planon a step further, using its data that is available in Planon to thoroughly evaluate its business processes, improve efficiency, and develop new workflows to manage mobile work orders, status transitions, and the use of alarms and alerts.

Read the Dartmouth College case study.

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