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Enable your employees to organise their workspace according to their needs, with just a couple of clicks. Try out our workplace experience app for free.
Request nowWhen business leaders discuss how they can benefit from Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) software solutions, risk factors and governance are two of the most important criteria for capitalization on the investment.
Before selecting and implementing an IWMS, it’s recommended to build a business case including internal and external costs and monetary and non-monetary benefits from at least a three year perspective.
This e-book examines:
"The deployment of an IWMS solution leads to a reduction in facility maintenance costs of 14% and an improvement in workspace management by up to 40%."
Complete the form to receive a free copy of the "Building a credible business case" e-book.
Enable your employees to organise their workspace according to their needs, with just a couple of clicks. Try out our workplace experience app for free.
Request nowMeet with a real estate and facility management specialist to discuss your business needs and discover if Planon’s software solutions are a good fit for your organization.
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