Coventry University selects Planon’s IWMS to support its Estates services
Planon is pleased to announce that Coventry University has chosen Planon’s Integrated Workplace Management Solution. The solution will provide innovative tools to support the operational and strategic management of the University’s Estate, its physical assets, new build projects, and it will also automate the maintenance processes within the Estates division.
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The Quantified Building
What is actually happening in Internet of Things (IoT)-related technology and how can you plan for its adoption? This article originally ran in the FMJ, the official magazine of the International Facility Management Association.
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Building a credible business case
Before selecting and implementing an IWMS, it’s recommended to build a business case including internal and external costs and monetary and non-monetary benefits from at least a three year perspective.
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How to maintain your maintenance
We all know exactly why, when, where and how we need to maintain our car and what are the costs. We make smart and well considered decisions in postponing, combining or advancing its maintenance based on our budget, the risk of engine failure, the projected lifecycle of the car and several other factors.
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Next Generation Facility Management Software
All over the world, forward-thinking facility management professionals have turned to facilities management (FM) software to efficiently manage their facilities and real estate portfolios. But many facility management professionals don’t realise that the next generation of facilities management software can also be used to strategically plan for the future of their businesses.
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Planon and the Cadac Group make data exchange between BIM and IWMS a reality
In partnership with the Cadac Group, Planon is developing a bidirectional add-on between Autodesk Revit and the Planon software.
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Radboud University gains insights into the usage of students’ workplaces
Last month Radboud University, based in the Netherlands, started a pilot project together with Planon aiming at allowing students to study in a flexible environment. In February the university has thus started offering to its students the option to easily book a workplace online, via apps and kiosk screens. The students' response to this trial was very positive, and the results are very encouraging so far. During the first eight days, more than 400 reservations and 1000 hours of occupancy were registered.
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The Planon Group expands its presence in the Hong Kong market
The Planon Group is strengthening its position in the Asian market by opening a new office in Hong Kong. Planon sees the increasing importance of the Hong Kong market and the growing demand for Integrated Workplace Management Systems in Hong Kong. With the opening of the new office Planon consolidates its commitment to the Asian market.
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Six ways CAFM delivers business benefits to the boardroom
The many advantages of CAFM software are often clear to Facility and Real Estate Managers (reduced costs, greater efficiency and accurate reporting), but getting buy-in from your board to invest in Computer Aided Facility Management can be a challenge.
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BIM for real estate and facility managers
With everyone talking about Building Information Modelling (BIM), the question is what advantages, as a facility or real estate manager, will materialise from this model during the management and maintenance phase of your buildings. Learn more about the possibilities of linking a BIM with your Facility Management Software. 14:29 English
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IFMA Foundation appoints Erik Jaspers to Board of Trustees
Erik Jaspers, CTO of Planon, has been appointed to the IFMA Foundation's Board of Trustees. Jaspers will help set the Foundation’s research agenda as co-chair of the knowledge management committee, and assist with managing the financial resources of the Foundation as a member of the financial committee.
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Real estate management: ERP versus IWMS
Make informed decisions with our e-book about ERP and IWMS for real estate management.
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How to speed up dealing with fault reports
Are you amongst those who struggle to deal with fault reports in time? Do you wonder how you are going to fulfil Service Level Agreements (SLAs)? Do you sometimes close a report before the problem has been fully dealt with, simply to meet a KPI? Download a free copy of this how to guide to get tips which can help to make your work orders process run more efficiently.
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How to guide - How to make software demos work
Are you considering purchasing an IWMS? Or planning to replace your existing CAFM software as it doesn’t meet your needs? In both cases a well thought purchase process starts with understanding your requirements, writing the business case, setting a budget, allocating resources and building a solid project plan including a vendor selection procedure.
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Planon again named a "Leader" in the 2014 Magic Quadrant for IWMS
Planon has strengthened its position as a "Leader" in Gartner’s the June 2014 Magic Quadrant for IWMS. Planon has been positioned as a Leader in this report by the leading independent technology research organisation since 2006.
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