Employee staring out of window from a building

Choices when designing an IWMS

A best practice approach to IWMS implementation ensures organizations can focus on achieving their most important project goals without being overwhelmed.

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Why implement an IWMS? – 5 reasons

Business compliance, better transparency, and IT innovation are among the top five reasons to implement an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS).

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University balconies with glass windows.

An Introduction to IWMS

An IWMS supports FM and Real Estate managers as they address new technologies, manage sustainability and cost effeciencies, all while ensuring compliancy.

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Trees and plants growing on balconies of a building as a green facade or vertical garden.

Is sustainability expensive? After all, aren’t you funding it from saved energy costs?

The newspapers are full of it: ‘We have to achieve sustainability’. Organisations are under pressure to reduce costs while still achieving sustainability targets. This is one of the most significant…

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Biophilic offices enhance workplace experience and enforce sustainability management

What shade of green are you?

In 2014, research was conducted with the goal of making existing real estate more sustainable. These iniatives often go hand-in-hand with cost savings.

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Effective space management strategies

Your building is smarter than you think

A building is smarter than you think; all you need to do is make its information available and useable to the end-users inside.

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Seethrough 3D view of building with streams of data

Typical USA: What floor am I on?

Global organizations must keep language, currency, dates, measuresments, times, and cultural differences in mind when using centralized FM software.

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IT, the new game changer in service providers industry

Innovative and forward-thinking service providers utilize IWMS to stand out from competition by connecting their customers in the chain.

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Man on the phone holding iPad in workspace

Board room buy-in: Tips for Real Estate and Facility Managers

One of the biggest investments for real estate and facility managers is the software, like an IWMS, they use to manage, monitor, and report on facilities.

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