What is IWMS?
Download the 'What is IWMS?' e-book to learn how IWMS differs from other solutions, its top 11 organizational benefits, and the types of organizations using it.
Read moreReal Estate and Facility Managers are often looking for innovative solutions to optimize their business operations. It is extremely important that they thoroughly understand what they are buying into over the long term to be able to make the right choices. There are many point solutions on the market, but a prominent solution that every CRE and FM professional should evaluate is an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS). There are many advantages to an IWMS when compared to standalone software for different business operations.
As I already mentioned in a previous blog, Verdantix – an independent research and consulting firm with a focus on innovative technologies that optimize business operations – recently published the research report ‘Real Estate IT Strategies: IWMS, Point Solutions, And Everything In Between’. This report analyses the four major real estate and facility management IT strategies that organizations are leveraging today. One of these strategies is the use of a single integrated solution like IWMS. In this blog I would like to express my thoughts about what a true IWMS is and discuss its key organizational benefits.
To understand how an IWMS can add value to your business, it is important to first get a good grasp of what an IWMS does and to know where it fits into the field of enterprise software solutions. An IWMS is typically defined as a software platform that can be used across the entire organization for real estate and facilities management purposes. The system captures important information, which can then be managed and reported to optimize facility operations. It helps your workforce manage real estate portfolios and workplace-related services more efficiently. It supports multiple business operations including: leases, capital projects, facility and space utilization, workplace services, maintenance, energy and sustainability management. Having all these areas supported by one single software platform offers multiple benefits.
There are many different benefits of an IWMS, not only for real estate and facility executives, but also for the organization as a whole. Here are four of the top benefits:
Corporate real estate and facilities executives are becoming increasingly aware of the large number of advantages an IWMS has to offer. Of the 300 real estate and facility management executives from large organizations across the globe that were interviewed for Verdantix’s research report 59% plan to manage their data through solutions that offer broad functionality - including IWMS. Only 11% plan to use a 'best of breed' strategy by buying point solutions from multiple vendors.
Now that you have a better understanding of what an IWMS is and the potential benefits, it is important to be clear about the specific goals you have for an IWMS within your organization. Be sure that you can define your organization’s main reason for considering implementing an IWMS. Then you can demonstrate how the strategic objectives you have in the RE and FM departments are aligned. Typically, these five strategic goals should be explored:
Real estate and facilities organizations must deal with an intense workload and often the five goals above are hard to achieve. But, equipped with the right technology tools, RE and FM professionals can make huge improvements when dealing with time-consuming processes and data quality.
An IWMS can help to overcome these hurdles and to achieve each of the five strategic objectives mentioned above. In my next blog, I will briefly go through the experiences of Gasunie, King’s College London, and Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), illustrating the added value of implementing an IWMS. This series of two blog posts can be an inspiration for you in your quest for the right automated approach for real estate and facility management.
Can’t wait for the next blog to figure out how an IWMS can improve the real estate and facilities management processes in your organization? Get started now and explore key benefits, use cases, and capabilities of a true IWMS in our white paper ‘What is IWMS?’ .