Photo of Planon Solution Director Vincent Henricks

Vincent Henricks

Solution Director

Vincent Henricks is a seasoned tech industry professional with over 20 years of experience and a background in Business Economics & Commerce. As Solutions Director at Planon, he focuses on Integrated Services Management and leads a team dedicated to Planon’s campus facilities solution for universities.

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Vincent Henricks is a highly experienced professional with a career spanning over two decades in the international IT industry. His expertise is diversified and includes in-depth knowledge of Finance and Service Management. In 2014, Vincent took on the role of Senior Product Manager at Planon, where he focused on Planon’s Integrated Services Management, showcasing his dedication to advancing the field. A former FMN member, he is now part of IFMA, to which he brings his great engagement and industry expertise.

Currently, Vincent is in a leadership position at Planon, managing a team that is dedicated to providing an integrated campus facilities management system. This system is tailored specifically for university real estate and facilities management, demonstrating Vincent's commitment to specialised and impactful solutions within the academic environment.

Beyond his role, Vincent is an active member of FMN, indicating his engagement and involvement in industry networks and professional communities. This not only highlights his expertise, but also underlines his proactive approach to staying connected and contributing to the industry's growth.

In addition to his professional achievements, Vincent embraces an active lifestyle. You can frequently spot him pedalling his way to the office, and exploring the trails on his gravel bike with friends at weekends. He and his family are a host family for a Labrador from Stichting Hulphond. This dog serves as a therapy dog, aiding young individuals with developmental disorders and psychiatric challenges, helping them enhance their self-awareness and resilience.

Vincent's multifaceted interests reflect a balanced and fulfilling life, making him an inspiring figure in both his professional and personal pursuits.