Henk Laracker
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
As CTO, Henk Laracker is responsible for the product development and technical innovations of the Planon platform. He has led many projects, including the setup of the Planon Cloud Center, which is regarded as the most innovative cloud platform in the real estate and facility management sector.
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Henk joined Planon two decades ago and is currently overseeing all aspects of product development and innovations for the integrated Planon platform. Prior to that, he served in several roles with increasing responsibility within the company, leading many projects, including bringing the platform to enterprise level and setting up the Planon Cloud Center, which is regarded as the most innovative cloud platform in the real estate and facility management domain.
Before joining Planon, Henk gained extensive ICT experience in diverse roles across various companies. Henk studied at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences.