Employees of Planon's Information Management department

Group Functions

Ondersteunend aan onze kernactiviteiten

Wij zijn een team ongeacht op welke afdeling je werkt. Onze Group Functions zijn als ondersteunende afdelingen de olie tussen de tandwielen van onze wereldwijde kernactiviteiten.  

Onderstaande afdelingen behoren tot de Group Functions:

  • Facility Management
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Information Management
  • Information Security & Data Protection
  • Information Technology
  • Legal Affairs

Group Functions vacatures


Trainee Services

Be challenged every step of the way and work with leading clients from around the world. Are you the new colleague we are looking for? Then take the leap and direct your own career!

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Group Controller

Anticipating on significant reporting changes, we are looking for a Group Controller/ Reporting Specialist located in our Nijmegen headquarters. Are you thrilled being part of a new beginning?

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Reporting Specialist

Anticipating on significant reporting changes, we are looking for a Reporting Specialist, located in our Nijmegen headquarters. Are you thrilled being part of a new beginning?

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