Use your data to prove the value of corporate real estate and facility management
This 11-page e-book helps you decide what – and how – to measure, analyse and report on real estate and facility management data.
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Capital Project Management
This e-book discusses the increasing need for Capital Project Management in Real Estate, Sustainability and Maintenance Management. It explains the different phases of Capital Project Management and focuses specifically on financial aspects such as funding, budgets, commitments, cashflow and forecasting.
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What's the added value of IoT for Real Estate and Facility Management?
The 'Internet of Things' is probably one of the most discussed phenomena these days. What is the added value of IoT for Real Estate and Facility Management?
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Assessment - Asset & Maintenance Management
Correct documentation and maintenance of your assets and buildings is important to ensure business continuity and to avoid undesired quality-loss of assets. Answer these six questions to see if you have the basics in place.
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What is IWMS?
This white paper discusses the evolution and benefits of IWMS, as well as explaining the most important differences between IWMS, CAFM and FMIS. It also covers the evolution of these systems in terms of standardisation, integration capabilities, workflow orientation, CAD and BIM connectivity.
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Higher Education Survey Report 2018
Based on responses from more than 80 universities, this report explores the most relevant and important focus areas and technologies for real estate and facility management professionals within higher education.
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Disruptive information technology trends affecting the facility management service provider industry
In a joint research report with Panorama, Planon discusses the disruptive technology trends in the service provider industry and our insights into the future.
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Timely implementation of IFRS 16 with an IWMS
This e-book, based on discussions with global corporations, reveals the importance of combining IFRS 16 compliancy with an IWMS from within one solution.
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Getting from here to there: The steps to transition from IAS 17 to IFRS 16
This white paper, created in collaboration with Accenture, provides an overview of the IFRS 16 standard, the impact it will have on your organisation, and what to consider as you begin your transition from IAS 17 to IFRS 16.
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FAQ - The New and Improved Planon Mobile Field Services
This e-book provides information about the Planon AppSuite, and gives details on the functionality and interface of PMFS Standard and PMFS Pro.
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Smart, Connected & Dangerous: Assessing the impact of digital business on real estate
The future of real estate business technologies takes shape…or, rather, many shapes. Dave Karpook’s article in the Corporate Real Estate Journal discusses the positive and risky developments of digital business technologies and their effects on corporate real estate.
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Agile Workplace Management
The average workspace costs around £8,000 per year, with only 50% being used on a typical working day. Facility and Real Estate Managers are constantly looking for solutions to maximise occupancy, match supply and demand of spaces and services, as well as reduce costs and energy consumption.
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FAQ - How the Internet of Things is enhancing the workplace
This FAQ answers five questions for corporate real estate and facility managers who want to embrace the benefits of internet-connected assets.
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Lease accounting compliance
This article discusses the changes that the new IFRS and FASB lease accounting standards will impose on real estate lease practices. Their implications encompass more than merely reporting: it may well impact decision-making procedures as well as lease administration processes themselves.
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Corporate Real Estate: no benchmarking without the correct data
Reliable references and background An increasing number of organisations are looking for insights into their real estate portfolios. In many cases, this quest runs alongside a process of centralising real estate management into one department. But insight into property is not enough: without some context, it’s impossible to identify potential improvements in real estate, implement the focused actions and evaluate the results. Benchmarking against similar organisations using comparable standards is the solution for translating insights into reliable forecasts.
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