Happy man working and using tablet

Trust Center

The Planon trust center provides you with the latest information around privacy, security, compliance, and availability of the Planon Cloud services.

Accessibility Statement

På Planon är vi engagerade i att se till att våra produkter är en positiv upplevelse för alla.

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Email communication icon showing an open envelope with an '@' symbol, on a blue background.

På den här sidan hittar du ansvarsfriskrivningen för e-postsignaturer för varje Planon-enhet.

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Find information about the service availability of the Planon Cloud.

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Illustration of a lightbulb.
Bli en leverantör

Läs Planons krav på cybersäkerhet för leverantörer.

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Cookie Policy

Review our Cookies Policy to find out what different types of cookies are applied on the websites of Planon.

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Planon's Icon for MVO, translated to Corporate Social Responsibility.
Corporate Social Responsibility

View this page to learn more about Planon's corporate policies.

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Digital Signing

Find more information about our digital signing process.

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General Data Protection regulation. Read what Planon is doing as your trusted data processor.

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Illustration of a newspaper.
Terms of Use Website

Read about important legal terms and conditions (regarding website usage). 

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Industry Standards and Regulations

View this page to learn more about the industry standards and regulations at Planon.

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Privacy Statement

Review our policy and processes to understand how we respect and protect the data you entrust to us.

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Find more information about sub-processors used by Planon.

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Whistleblowing Service

Our digital whistleblowing service allows to report misconduct, fraud, corruption or other illegal activities within a work-related context.

Submit an anonymous message