How can you benefit from BIM as a Facility Manager?
Facility and property managers are more and more interested in BIM. This is not surprising, BIM models contain a lot of information relevant to them. For example, information about the structure of the building and the properties of each component. However, BIM is also raising many questions. For instance, “How can a BIM help me as a facility or property manager?”
Lär dig merSå bygger du ett starkt affärscase
Before selecting and implementing an IWMS, it’s recommended to build a business case including internal and external costs and monetary and non-monetary benefits from at least a three year perspective.
Lär dig merThe Quantified Building
What is actually happening in Internet of Things (IoT)-related technology and how can you plan for its adoption? This article originally ran in the FMJ, the official magazine of the International Facility Management Association.
Lär dig merNext Generation Facility Management Software
All over the world, forward-thinking facility management professionals have turned to facilities management (FM) software to efficiently manage their facilities and real estate portfolios. But many facility management professionals don’t realise that the next generation of facilities management software can also be used to strategically plan for the future of their businesses.
Lär dig merSå upprätthåller du underhållet
Vi vet alla exakt varför, var, när och hur vi behöver underhålla vår bil och vilka kostnader det innebär. Vi fattar smarta och väl genomtänkta beslut när det gäller att skjuta upp, kombinera eller vidareutveckla bilens underhåll utifrån vår budget, risken för motorhaveri, bilens beräknade livscykel och flera andra faktorer. Gör vi detsamma med våra tillgångar och fastigheter?
Lär dig merSix ways CAFM delivers business benefits to the boardroom
The many advantages of CAFM software are often clear to Facility and Real Estate Managers (reduced costs, greater efficiency and accurate reporting), but getting buy-in from your board to invest in Computer Aided Facility Management can be a challenge.
Lär dig merHow to guide - How to make software demos work
Are you considering purchasing an IWMS? Or planning to replace your existing CAFM software as it doesn’t meet your needs? In both cases a well thought purchase process starts with understanding your requirements, writing the business case, setting a budget, allocating resources and building a solid project plan including a vendor selection procedure.
Lär dig merGuide - så här gör du för att påskynda hanteringen av felrapporter
Det är en utmaning för många företag att få arbetsorder gjorda i tid. Den här guiden innehåller steg till att korta ner handläggningstiderna för underhållsarbete.
Lär dig merReal Estate Management: ERP jämfört med IWMS
Fatta välgrundade beslut med vår e-bok om ERP och IWMS för fastighetsförvaltning.
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