View with laptop and background of city

FAQ - How the Internet of Things is enhancing the workplace

This FAQ answers five questions for corporate real estate and facility managers who want to embrace the benefits of internet-connected assets.

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Colleagues meeting the green office.

Planon Universe

Upplev Planon Universe integrerade funktionalitet, användarvänlighet och flexibilitet direkt.

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Maximize your office space

Lease accounting compliance

This article discusses the changes that the new IFRS and FASB lease accounting standards will impose on real estate lease practices. Their implications encompass more than merely reporting: it may well impact decision-making procedures as well as lease administration processes themselves.

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White Papers
Planon Paris highrise glass office entrance with sky reflection in glass

Corporate Real Estate: no benchmarking without the correct data

Reliable references and background An increasing number of organisations are looking for insights into their real estate portfolios. In many cases, this quest runs alongside a process of centralising real estate management into one department. But insight into property is not enough: without some context, it’s impossible to identify potential improvements in real estate, implement the focused actions and evaluate the results. Benchmarking against similar organisations using comparable standards is the solution for translating insights into reliable forecasts.

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Paved path along modern office buildings and city park.

Get in control of your real estate, lease contracts and financial obligations

Discover the actual situation within corporate real estate, new challenges of corporate real estate managers, as well as upcoming changes that will influence the real estate landscape.

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White Papers
Business people discussing the sustainable working place

Point Solution or Integrated Solution, what makes the difference?

Many organisations have had problems choosing the right software solution for Facility and Real Estate Management. What makes these software solutions really different? Moreover, what differentiators are relevant for your specific choice?

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Worker fixing a roof

How can you benefit from BIM as a Facility Manager?

Facility and property managers are more and more interested in BIM. This is not surprising, BIM models contain a lot of information relevant to them. For example, information about the structure of the building and the properties of each component. However, BIM is also raising many questions. For instance, “How can a BIM help me as a facility or property manager?”

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Seethrough 3D view of building with streams of data

The Quantified Building

What is actually happening in Internet of Things (IoT)-related technology and how can you plan for its adoption? This article originally ran in the FMJ, the official magazine of the International Facility Management Association.

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Person using laptop

Så bygger du ett starkt affärscase

Before selecting and implementing an IWMS, it’s recommended to build a business case including internal and external costs and monetary and non-monetary benefits from at least a three year perspective.

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White Papers
Inside view of office building with plants.

Next Generation Facility Management Software

All over the world, forward-thinking facility management professionals have turned to facilities management (FM) software to efficiently manage their facilities and real estate portfolios. But many facility management professionals don’t realise that the next generation of facilities management software can also be used to strategically plan for the future of their businesses.

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White Papers
Maintenance employees cleaning the windows

Så upprätthåller du underhållet

Vi vet alla exakt varför, var, när och hur vi behöver underhålla vår bil och vilka kostnader det innebär. Vi fattar smarta och väl genomtänkta beslut när det gäller att skjuta upp, kombinera eller vidareutveckla bilens underhåll utifrån vår budget, risken för motorhaveri, bilens beräknade livscykel och flera andra faktorer. Gör vi detsamma med våra tillgångar och fastigheter?

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White Papers
Business people gathering and discussing around a table in a meeting room.

Six ways CAFM delivers business benefits to the boardroom

The many advantages of CAFM software are often clear to Facility and Real Estate Managers (reduced costs, greater efficiency and accurate reporting), but getting buy-in from your board to invest in Computer Aided Facility Management can be a challenge.

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Workplaces in a modern office

Benefits of BIM for real estate and facility managers

With everyone talking about Building Information Modelling (BIM), the question is what advantages, as a facility or real estate manager, will materialise from this model during the management and maintenance phase of your buildings. Learn more about the possibilities of linking a BIM with your Facility Management Software. 14:29 English

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A dome building with glass windows and roof and green plants around.

Real Estate Management: ERP jämfört med IWMS

Fatta välgrundade beslut med vår e-bok om ERP och IWMS för fastighetsförvaltning.

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Maintenance worker checking air conditioning data on a tablet.

Guide - så här gör du för att påskynda hanteringen av felrapporter

Det är en utmaning för många företag att få arbetsorder gjorda i tid. Den här guiden innehåller steg till att korta ner handläggningstiderna för underhållsarbete.

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